Staying well going into the fall season (Northern Hemisphere)

Fall time is the transition between summer (pitta season) and winter (fall and winter in Ayurveda are considered vata season). As you all know, during these seasonal transitions, we are often susceptible to illnesses, such as seasonal colds, flu, etc. Ayurveda acknowledges this and recommends extra care during these transition times. The qualities of vata are dry, cold, mobile, light, rough, subtle, and clear. In Ayurveda, we use the opposite qualities to balance. A few tips from an Ayurvedic perspective as we shift fully into fall:

1. Stay hydrated, in all the ways, but especially using warmth. Think hot teas, hot water, warm soups, warm cooked food with oils added (ghee and avocado are good choices)

2. Find some time for stillness and rest; you may find your energy levels dropping as we move out of the summer heat into the cold; cocooning with a good book, taking a warm bath, snuggling with loved ones or beloved pets is called for!

3. Stay warm-- make sure you put on that extra layer even when it seems like the temperature will reach a summer-like one; it can feel different this time of year!


The Ayurvedic cleanse- it is NOT diet culture