You are a dynamic individual, every day and every season, and now you’re in the season of perimenopause

Maybe it’s time to explore what’s endured to sail through your perimenopause transition.

Ayurveda is a thousands-year-old medical system originating in India. It addresses all aspects of YOU- mind, body and soul.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had struggles with many of these symptoms, and seen friends struggle to find relief too. Things like:

  • Feeling fatigued all the time, yet unable to relax (“tired” and “wired”)

  • Brain fog

  • Chronic constipation, gas, bloating, heartburn or loose stools

  • Not sleeping well

  • General anxiety or fear

  • Rashes or acne (sometimes in not so welcome places) that aren’t responding well to medications, or as soon as you stop taking meds, they’re back

  • Experiencing difficult periods

  • Hot flushes, changes in libido and body composition, or changes in the amount of blood in each cycle

  • Feeling disconnected from your body, or like your body has changed so much you don’t feel like yourself


⭐Understanding the WHY behind your body’s changes in perimenopause

⭐Feeling the best you’ve ever felt in your life— better than you thought was possible in middle age

⭐Being in touch with what your body is communicating to you and knowing how to respond daily and seasonally- without a feeling of WILLPOWER or forcing

⭐Finally seeing how mind-body-spirit are all connected, and how small practices integrated over time can result in major shifts

⭐Cultivating more love and compassion for yourself and all the changes

⭐Getting off the hamster wheel of TRENDS and knowing what’s right for YOU

“Working with Maria Gabriela was an incredible gift. She helped me to see how some of my life choices were having an affect on my inner balance.  She listened, reflected and together, we cultivated realistic shifts I could make to invite more ease into my day-to-day life.  Even months later, I still come back to the tools she offered when I am feeling off center.”

- Cole S., Denver, CO

Symptoms are our bodies’ way of telling us something is out of balance.

Ayurveda can help you realign with the rhythms of nature to reclaim your health.

Because health isn’t simply the lack of diagnosed disease.

True health means feeling like your vibrant, most authentic self.

I will guide and empower you by:

  • Working with the connection between your body, mind and spirit

  • Helping you get to the root cause of symptoms you’re experiencing

  • Coaching you to make simple, sustainable changes to your lifestyle and diet that will get you feeling well

  • Potentially help you reduce the amount of medications you take

  • Help you learn to discern what’s good for you, so can stop simply following the latest wellness trends

  • Teaching you approaches and tools you can continue to apply throughout the course of your life to create lasting change

It’s time for you to take your health back into your hands.

Not quite ready yet? Stay in touch for some tips along the way.

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I send out a weekly newsletter with practical Ayurveda tidbits primarily for women in perimenopause. As a thank you for signing up, I'll send you my resource: Ten Ways to Ease Perimenopausal Weight Gain WITHOUT Changing What You Eat.

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