Becoming More You
Today is a bit of a part 2 on mindset and our initiation into this next phase of life.
This past weekend, I went to a college sorority reunion in Gainesville, FL. It was SO much fun, and kind of magical.
I kept wishing I had fully appreciated my college experience when I was young.
There were many reasons I couldn’t fully appreciate it: I was insecure. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I thought life was what happened after college. I didn’t know how to trust my intuition for my deeper needs and wants. And I didn’t know how to be present in the moment.
As I’ve gotten older and incorporated yoga and especially Ayurveda into my life, the things that aren’t really me have started to fall away.
That’s why now I can truly and deeply value how special it is to just show up, as I am, and enjoy the company of women for a weekend in a sorority house.
Me & my college bestie Michelle- hands down best thing I got out of sorority life.
You might be noticing that mid-life and peri/menopause is nudging you.
You might even feel like blowing up your life.
Some of us need to.
I’m not saying this flippantly. It might be buried deep in your heart. This is hard stuff, this muddy middle.
Brené Brown says, "Midlife is not a crisis. Midlife is an unraveling."
This mid-life time is an opportunity. We can re-evaluate what’s working for us, and what isn’t really us anymore. We can observe regrets, and forgive ourselves and others for what’s past.
We can choose to remove things and people that don't feed us mentally, physically, or spiritually.
Ayurveda helps in many ways, but the first step is helping us cultivate loving awareness of what is and isn’t truly nourishing.
HOW? Through meditation, mindfulness, and slowing down. Through daily routines.
There are many ordinary and practical ways to start to find enough space in your heart to truly see what is going on in front of you.
The practices aren’t sexy, they’re simple, and they really work.
Part of my mission here is to help you see the beauty that is YOU.
To see yourself as those who love you see you.
To see yourself the way God/Divine/Spirit sees you.
If we each see our own gorgeous souls, whew… what would it mean for the world?