Shifting into Spring
It’s spring, kapha time of year! Per Ayurveda, it’s a transition time between vata season (late fall/winter) and pitta season (summer). During these seasonal transitions (early fall and spring), we are often susceptible to illness or, in the case of spring, allergies from new plants and flowers blooming. The qualities of kapha are heavy, dense, liquid, cool, and oily. It’s also a stable, growing, fertile and protective energy. In Ayurveda, we use the opposite qualities to balance. A few tips from an Ayurvedic perspective for spring:
Get active, especially in the morning. You’ve got a double dose of kapha energy from 6am-10am. If you're getting up in this timeframe, you might be finding it harder to get out of bed! Get outside for a vigorous walk, do 15 minutes of sun salutations, or have a little dance party. This is the time of year vigorous exercise is most supportive. Get your sweat on.
Do a neti pot at least once per day, especially after spending time outside, to help keep the nasal cavity clear of mucus and pollen/debris buildup. Apply a little bit of nasya oil to the insides of the nose to keep them lubricated. (Avoid both neti and oil in the nose if you have a cold or sinus infection).
Drink fresh ginger tea. Take about an inch of ginger root, boil it in 12 oz of water for 15 minutes, strain out the ginger, and drink the water.