Supporting Your Digestion During Thanksgiving

Based on the intention I set at the beginning of November, I wanted to (again) give you some practical Ayurveda tips to help with the upcoming holiday.

Five things you can do to support digestion and/or the liver during these indulgent times:

🥤Hydration (this is the obvious one, I hope!)- aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water, preferably room temperature or hot water (ice water diminishes our digestive fire)- add an additional cup of water for every half cup of alcohol

🎉Break a sweat daily. This doesn’t have to take long, can be a quick walk around the block or a dance party with the kids in your life!

🙂Take three deep breaths before eating any food (meals, snacks, anything!) to engage the rest and digest nervous system

🙏Bless your food and drink (including alcohol)- give thanks and ask it to be medicine for you

🌱For active indigestion post a meal, eat a handful of fennel seeds (chew them thoroughly to release their juices into your stomach)

Hanging on to Mountain Monday in Buena Vista, CO. Photo by Ron Kapioski.

Biggest thing? Remember to ENJOY all of the pleasures of this season with love and reverence. Your body will digest better when you’re not feeling guilty or shoulding all over yourself.


You Are Divine


Preparing for Holiday Travel