What is Accumulating in Your Life?
Recently, the wise elder Myra Lewin taught a class at my Ayurveda school on aging. She stated aging is natural, age is truly a tally, and our mindset impacts how we experience it.
If you decide that at a certain age you are going to decline, or have a certain illness, it is more likely to manifest. If you pick an age and say “now I’m an old person,” – then you ARE.
If you decide to surrender and surf the waves of change, asking what can be learned at each age, it results in a fuller life.
Another important point she made was on accumulation.
The state of our mind and body today is a reflection of thousands (if not millions) of choices we’ve made right up until this moment.
The choices that were nourishing have added up, and those that were not-so-nourishing have added up.
This feels like common sense, doesn’t it??
This is often why women hear a wake-up call as they enter perimenopause. We can no longer ignore the accumulation of putting ourselves last, pushing ourselves beyond our limits, and living to please others.
We can decide to choose differently at any age. Myra has had clients in their 80s, even 90s, see great shifts in their lives by incorporating Ayurveda.
Imagine, though, learning better care of ourselves now, in the middle of our lives.
You’ve seen those older people with that GLOW. Why not you?
I want you to be one of those women who have accumulated all the goodness into a gorgeous, post-menopause glow!
It’s why I created Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Perimenopausal Woman and why I continue to offer 1:1 coaching.