How Do I Know If I’m in Perimenopause? (What Your Mama Didn’t Tell You)
As women, we keep so much hidden about our world so that it appears effortless: how much time it takes to get ready and glossy. The amount of money we spend on products for beauty, to take care of our menstrual cycles, to wax, for haircuts, nails, facials, the list goes on. On top of that, as our bodies start to change, we’re often taken by surprise. My mom didn’t tell me (insert change) was going to happen! There wasn’t even a basic gym class offered about this (like we got in middle school about menstruation!).
So how do you know if you’re in perimenopause, in the transition? For some, the only telltale sign will be going from periods that used to be regular to irregular ones (you won't see this if you're on birth control containing hormones). Interestingly, Western (allopathic) medicine cannot totally confirm or deny whether you’re there, even with hormonal tests. A doctor can just tell you she suspects.
Some symptoms that (MAY) happen:
Hot flushes/flashes
Changes in menstrual blood, including quality and quantity
Skin dryness, vaginal dryness (connected in Ayurveda)
Thinning hair, loss of bone density (connected in Ayurveda)
Muscle weakness
General fatigue
Libido changes
Weight changes
Forgetfulness, issues "multitasking"
These can be temporary. We’re resetting our bodies; much like girls in puberty having mood changes, acne, weight fluctuations, etc, it CAN be different post menopause. These symptoms can also be managed and/or avoided.
Other changes in your body that you might see:
Changes in fat distribution/body composition
Weird errant facial hair
Graying pubic hair (I first learned this from watching Sex and the City!)
Breast changes- they can change size and/or shape
Vulvar and vaginal changes
Changes in how easily it is to get turned on (you, and your partner, may need to relearn your body)
A part of me is like: don’t talk about this! Don’t scare the young ones!– which means, I too have internalized the stigma of this whole process. Why are any of these things BAD? Is it because we’ve labeled them that way, and staying plump, juicy, and thin with breasts up to our chins and wrinkleless faces is what we’ve been taught is pretty and desirable?
Luckily, one of the biggest and most wonderful things that happens when hormones start to get shunted away from making babies is that our brains also rewire– and we literally start to care less about what we look like for the desirability of a partner to make babies with, and care more about HOW WE FEEL. FREEDOM!
Ayurveda gives us the tools we need to 1- prevent, treat and reverse symptoms and 2- work with and embrace the changes happening in our bodies and minds, and age with radiant health.
We do this by addressing the three pillars of life: food, sex, and sleep. Again, the #1 tool is honing our digestion. I’ll continue to build on this conversation, and I will explain WHY these symptoms happen. Ideally, we should NOT be experiencing symptoms— though common, it is not normal. It is a product of our lifestyle, diet, and the toxicity of our planet.