Ayurveda Doesn’t Have to Be Done Perfectly To Help Your Perimenopause Journey

I hope you’re doing well as we embark on the holiday season. I typically dread this time of year. I’m not a huge fan of the cold (I live in Denver) and I like long sunny days (and flip flops and tank tops).

Over time, I’ve learned to embrace the energies that come up with the decrease in light and the cold weather. I go to bed earlier and sleep longer. I make sure to stay cozy. I minimize my plans, and try to do less (especially in the evenings).

I wrote a bit about my ​holiday dread​ last year. It used to be a really hard time of year for me, as spending a lot of time with family was tough. Luckily, over time, this has shifted, and it has become more of a delight to be with my family.

Now, I tend to get sad if/when I’m not seeing them (we all live scattered across the country), and that’s the case this year. I’ll be honest, I’m still feeling some dread this year: it’s part of feeling the collective energy. It makes me sad every year that a time pressed upon us as being the most joyful and happy is often difficult for many.

Really, though, what I wanted to tell you this week is this: I’m not perfect at all the Ayurveda practices, even those that truly help me. And you never will be, either, nor do you need to be.

In my day to day home life, I do my practices about 90/10 to 80/20. I teach my clients 80/20, to remember that what we do most of the time is what counts the most.

On vacation, my practices go down to about 60/40, especially around food.

Interestingly, I tend to be more consistent with my morning routine on vacation– especially when somewhere warm and tropical. I like to get up before the sun, do breathwork and meditate for longer than I do at home. I feel more spacious and take advantage of it.

This last vacation (a few weeks ago), it struck me as strange that I ate so much macadamia nut chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, and banana bread to the point that it lost its pleasure.

I took this picture from my office window. See my computer in the reflection on the right? Don't forget to look for the beauty right in front of you. Sunset in Denver, CO.

My belly hurt, the skin on my face itched, I was irritable, moody, and had smelly gas– all signs of overdoing sugar for me.

Irritable and moody on a vacation in paradise!! Why did I have to go so far to stop, when my body was clearly unhappy?

Many of us tend to go overboard during the holidays, and of course, particularly with food. I encourage you to notice the choices you’re making with loving awareness.

Whatever you eat or take in, do it with mindfulness and love, and ENJOY the SHIT out of it. This will help your body digest it. See if you can eat or imbibe an amount that doesn’t make you feel sick (like I did) and instead, makes you feel satisfied and happy.

For my ladies in midlife especially– please find ways to slow down and enjoy the abundance you’ve created (ESPECIALLY if you’re the one doing most of the heavy lifting). Enlist help where possible.

Did you hear me? Ask for help.


Celebrate Your Year, Let Something Go


My Two Year Leap-