HOW you eat…
Ayurvedic philosophy says that many of our digestive issues can be addressed by paying attention to HOW we eat (you heard right-- not just WHAT, but HOW).
What does this look like?
Here is one way this could look:
1. Create a space to eat that is free of distractions (no TV, phone, etc. Only eating).
2. Give thanks for your food.
3. Take three deep breaths.
4. Eat slowly and mindfully. Notice the texture in your mouth, the colors on your plate, the smell of your food, the sound of your chewing, and of course, the taste.
5. Eat until the first burp (could be tiny, and some don't feel it!) or about 75% full.
6. Take three deep breaths into the belly-- feel the satisfaction of your good meal.
7. Be happy with your choices, whatever they were. You're signaling to the body that it is taking in nutrition.