Ayurveda Tidbits
A blog on Ayurveda and Ayurveda + menopause
Looking for something you read? Search my blog here!
Don’t Wait for Menopause To Relieve Your Symptoms
Symptoms are always our bodies’ way of getting our attention!
I’m Obsessed with These Spring Superfoods
I just want to say YUM! Three spring superfoods to support balancing you in Spring.
The Sacredness of Food
Have you thought about everything it takes to get that food on your plate?
Imagining a New Reality for Menopause
What if we threw a party everytime a woman went into menopause?
Picking An Abandoned Practice Back Up
When you let go of a habit that served you, have faith it’s waiting for you to come back
I Look My Age, No Matter How I Look
Why is it a compliment to be told you look younger than your age?
My Opine On Hormone (Replacement) Therapy
Hormone therapy is a tool in our toolkit, but we MUST examine our lives when our bodies are screaming with symptoms
Make It Hot: Kapha Busting Tips As We Move Towards Spring
Kapha busting tips as we roll into Spring